View 2023 Agenda | KM Legal Europe 2023


KM Legal Europe 2023
17 -18 October 2023

Past Agenda

Tuesday - October 17, 2023

2:00 AM 3:30 AM

1:00 AM 2:30 AM

12:00 AM 1:30 AM

11:00 PM 12:30 AM

8:00 AM 9:30 AM

Registration Desk Opens and Networking Continental Breakfast

2:00 AM 11:55 AM

1:00 AM 10:55 AM

12:00 AM 9:55 AM

11:00 PM 8:55 AM

8:00 AM 5:55 PM

Exhibit Hall Open

3:30 AM 3:40 AM

2:30 AM 2:40 AM

1:30 AM 1:40 AM

12:30 AM 12:40 AM

9:30 AM 9:40 AM

Chairperson Welcome & Opening Remarks 

Mark Ford, Associate Partner, Global Law Knowledge Leader 
EY Law

3:40 AM 4:30 AM

2:40 AM 3:30 AM

1:40 AM 2:30 AM

12:40 AM 1:30 AM

9:40 AM 10:30 AM

Keynote Address: Generative AI for Legal Knowledge Management

  • Understand the technology behind the meteoric rise of generative AI. 
  • Hear about specific use cases for generative AI in law firms, general counsel’s offices, and knowledge management departments.  
  • Learn how to avoid the biggest nightmares in the misuse of generative AI in law 

Professor Dan Hunter PhD FAAL, Executive Dean
The Dickson Poon School of Law
King’s College London

4:30 AM 5:20 AM

3:30 AM 4:20 AM

2:30 AM 3:20 AM

1:30 AM 2:20 AM

10:30 AM 11:20 AM

Fireside Chat - Voice of The Client: Being an Effective KM Business Partner

  • Gain valuable insights into the real-world experiences and career journey of an in-house KM professional  
  • Hear firsthand accounts of challenges, successes, and the evolving landscape of a KM role from an in-house perspective 
  • Understand what the KM priorities are to ensure that client needs and expectations are met 

Carol Aldridge, Head of Knowledge Management
Burges Salmon LLP

Helen Barker, Head of Legal Excellence
Government Legal Department


5:20 AM 5:40 AM

4:20 AM 4:40 AM

3:20 AM 3:40 AM

2:20 AM 2:40 AM

11:20 AM 11:40 AM

Networking Break

5:40 AM 6:30 AM

4:40 AM 5:30 AM

3:40 AM 4:30 AM

2:40 AM 3:30 AM

11:40 AM 12:30 PM

Knowledge Management – The Innovation Enabler

  • Explore why strong knowledge management is key to developing an innovative organization  
  • Understand how to shape a KM strategy to align and support the innovation agenda  
  • Debate the roles required to deliver the innovation strategies in legal 

Claire McNamara, Director of Knowledge and Learning
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP 


Alicia Hardy, Head of Knowledge 
Carey Olsen 

Claire Greening, Global Head of Library and Knowledge Services
Withers LLP

Emily Tearle, Head of Knowledge Management
Travers Smith LLP

6:30 AM 7:30 AM

5:30 AM 6:30 AM

4:30 AM 5:30 AM

3:30 AM 4:30 AM

12:30 PM 1:30 PM

Networking Lunch

7:30 AM 8:20 AM

6:30 AM 7:20 AM

5:30 AM 6:20 AM

4:30 AM 5:20 AM

1:30 PM 2:20 PM

Social KM and the Nowhere Office*

  • Explore the relationship between social capital and KM ‘in the wild’ 
  • Assess the impact of changing work environments on KM habitats 
  • Share insights on how social KM can flourish in the ‘Nowhere Office’1 

Ian Rodwell, Head of Client Knowledge and Learning
Linklaters LLP

*The Nowhere Office by Julia Hobsbawm 

8:20 AM 8:40 AM

7:20 AM 7:40 AM

6:20 AM 6:40 AM

5:20 AM 5:40 AM

2:20 PM 2:40 PM

Networking Break

8:40 AM 9:30 AM

7:40 AM 8:30 AM

6:40 AM 7:30 AM

5:40 AM 6:30 AM

2:40 PM 3:30 PM

Unleash the Potential: Internal Branding Techniques for KM Success

  • Explore innovative strategies to unleash the untapped potential of KM through internal branding initiatives 
  • Hear how to maximize KM success by leveraging branding methods to foster collaboration, engagement and organizational alignment 
  • Discuss how to implement effective techniques to enhance the reputation and influence of KM teams 

Alicia Hardy, Head of Knowledge
Carey Olsen 

Catherine Goodman, Director, Practice Innovation and Knowledge Management Counsel
Paul Hastings LLP

Miranda Perkins, Head of Knowledge and Process Automation

Aileen Johnson, Director of Knowledge
Charles Russell Speechlys

9:30 AM 9:50 AM

8:30 AM 8:50 AM

7:30 AM 7:50 AM

6:30 AM 6:50 AM

3:30 PM 3:50 PM

Networking Break

9:50 AM 10:50 AM

8:50 AM 9:50 AM

7:50 AM 8:50 AM

6:50 AM 7:50 AM

3:50 PM 4:50 PM

Quick Fire Show and Tell Session: Innovation and Generative AI for KM

Hear how law firms are leveraging and implementing generative AI to improve overall efficiency in their organizations streamline document drafting, contract review process, optimize case management etc. 

Mark Ford, Associate Partner, Global Law Knowledge Leader
EY Law

Alison Devlin, Director of Knowledge
Eversheds Sutherland

David Huston, Head of Operational Excellence
DLA Piper International

Miranda Perkins, Head of Knowledge and Process Automation

Shawn Curran, Director of Legal Technology
Travers Smith LLP

Alexander Malt, Technology Innovation Specialist
Burges Salmon LLP



10:50 AM 10:55 AM

9:50 AM 9:55 AM

8:50 AM 8:55 AM

7:50 AM 7:55 AM

4:50 PM 4:55 PM

Closing Remarks

Mark Ford, Associate Partner, Global Law Knowledge Leader 
EY Law

10:55 AM 11:55 AM

9:55 AM 10:55 AM

8:55 AM 9:55 AM

7:55 AM 8:55 AM

4:55 PM 5:55 PM

Networking Drinks Reception

Join us for drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and face-to-face networking with peers.

Wednesday - October 18, 2023

2:00 AM 3:30 AM

1:00 AM 2:30 AM

12:00 AM 1:30 AM

11:00 PM 12:30 AM

8:00 AM 9:30 AM

Registration Desk Opens and Networking Continental Breakfast

2:00 AM 7:50 AM

1:00 AM 6:50 AM

12:00 AM 5:50 AM

11:00 PM 4:50 AM

8:00 AM 1:50 PM

Exhibit Hall Open

3:30 AM 3:40 AM

2:30 AM 2:40 AM

1:30 AM 1:40 AM

12:30 AM 12:40 AM

9:30 AM 9:40 AM

Welcome Remarks and Day One Takeaways

Aileen Johnson, Director of Knowledge
Charles Russell Speechlys

3:40 AM 4:30 AM

2:40 AM 3:30 AM

1:40 AM 2:30 AM

12:40 AM 1:30 AM

9:40 AM 10:30 AM

Clients Come First – Keeping our KM Eyes on the Prize

  • ‘Hide the wiring or send sparks flying’ - how much do clients care about KM? 
  • Understand where and how KM add most value to our internal and external clients 
  • Come away with ideas around effective client engagement strategies for improving KM practice  

Richard Gaston, Head of Knowledge and Research
Addleshaw Goddard LLP


4:30 AM 4:50 AM

3:30 AM 3:50 AM

2:30 AM 2:50 AM

1:30 AM 1:50 AM

10:30 AM 10:50 AM

Networking Break

4:50 AM 5:40 AM

3:50 AM 4:40 AM

2:50 AM 3:40 AM

1:50 AM 2:40 AM

10:50 AM 11:40 AM

Carrots and Sticks: Incentivizing Lawyers to Adopt New Tools

  • Overcome resistance to change and “buying” lawyer time that could be used on client work  
  • Innovate processes with new and seasoned lawyers 
  • Hear about creative roll out strategies that really work   

Tara Pichardo-Angadi, Head of Knowledge, Europe, Middle East and Asia
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP

Alison Devlin, Director of Knowledge
Eversheds Sutherland

Richard Gaston, Head of Knowledge and Research
Addleshaw Goddard LLP

Eleanor Windsor, Director of Knowledge Management
Irwin Mitchell LLP

5:40 AM 6:40 AM

4:40 AM 5:40 AM

3:40 AM 4:40 AM

2:40 AM 3:40 AM

11:40 AM 12:40 PM

Networking Lunch

6:40 AM 7:30 AM

5:40 AM 6:30 AM

4:40 AM 5:30 AM

3:40 AM 4:30 AM

12:40 PM 1:30 PM

Navigating the Data Labyrinth: Moving Forward Towards Data Driven Knowledge Solutions

  • Discuss market intelligence and case studies on how leading practice KM programs make use of data 
  • Leveraging technology solutions and multidisciplinary teams to generate AI-ready data  
  • Come away with practical and pragmatic ways on how to get started  



Kieron Champion, Partner
Fireman & Company


Kate Stanfield, Director of Knowledge Management
Collas Crill LLP

Hayley Harris, Global Director of Central Knowledge Management
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP

Karen Battersby, Director of Knowledge for Industries and Clients
Baker McKenzie

Adam Sanitt, Knowledge Director
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP

7:30 AM 7:50 AM

6:30 AM 6:50 AM

5:30 AM 5:50 AM

4:30 AM 4:50 AM

1:30 PM 1:50 PM

Networking Break

7:50 AM 8:40 AM

6:50 AM 7:40 AM

5:50 AM 6:40 AM

4:50 AM 5:40 AM

1:50 PM 2:40 PM

Generative AI for KM – Friend or Foe?

  • Discuss what the advent of generative AI means for knowledge roles 
  • Understand the implications for curated knowledge content and systems 
  • Explore how we can use generative AI to assist Thought Leadership 

To be announced

Judy Mackenzie Stuart, Global Chief Knowledge Officer
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP

Karen Battersby, Director of Knowledge for Industries and Clients
Baker McKenzie

Sharon Jenman, Head of Knowledge, London
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom (UK) LLP

Adam Sanitt, Knowledge Director
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP

8:40 AM 8:45 AM

7:40 AM 7:45 AM

6:40 AM 6:45 AM

5:40 AM 5:45 AM

2:40 PM 2:45 PM

Closing Remarks

Aileen Johnson, Director of Knowledge
Charles Russell Speechlys